Thursday, August 23, 2007

One Tree Hill

Yes, folks, it will be a long wait. But rest assured, our favorite teens will return April 11 with the first of the final 6 episodes of the fourth season. The wait will be excruciating (if you're a hardcore fan) but the upcoming storylines promise to be fascinating. I for one can't wait to see what will be of Peyton now that that psycho stalker of hers is back.

And regarding a fifth season, since so many of you have been wondering and posting about the show's fate on the forum, here are my two cents: Yes, I believe that One Tree Hill will return. If it does not, that would be a major shocker. Here are three reasons as to why I believe it's coming back:

1. The ratings for this season have not been the best but also not the worst. The show has reached its highest numbers since season 2 but also it’s lowest. However, seeing as it built momentum with the pre-prom episode and it will be leading out of America's Next Top Model when it returns, expect the ratings to go up.

2. The CW is lacking in programming. Sure, it has a few good pilots in the works, but it has major gaps to fill with other struggling series and dead slots, especially on Sundays and Mondays. Canceling One Tree Hill would only make it worse as they would have even more gaps to fill. And besides, CW President Dawn Ostroff did say at the latest press tour that she would definitely consider bringing the show back.

3. Mark Schwan and the producers have exciting plans for the 5th season. Rumor has it, as most of you probably know by now, that they will skip the college years and move on to the later years. Sounds really interesting.

With climbing ratings, support from The CW, and promising storylines, one can only assume that the show will return next season. But this being the random business of television, one never knows, so let's hope for the best!
You can sign now for the fifth season of One Tree Hill!!!! So what are you waiting for? Sign that petition!


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