Friday, August 24, 2007

Operation Busy Day

I've been texting quotes to my college friends last night since my load would expire by tomorrow and others replied a quote too. I asked one of them if what are the things he do to make him fall asleep and he said that he cleans their house and makes himself busy. He also recommend me to do my favorite sport everyday so that I would be exhausted and could easily fall asleep, but I told him that I don't have any playmates here since I don't go out and for the fact that I don't have friends nearby. So I insisted to sleep even though its hard and force myself to be awake as early as I can and thank God that I have to use the bathroom and force to be up around 10am, so I 'm considering what my friend told me and keep myself busy so that I would be really tired at the end of the day. I first hand-washed my jacket because my father used it and left it dusted. I tried to set up my other aquarium since it is already full of dust and cleaned the other aquarium since it was last cleaned a year ago and lucky enough that one fish still survives. After that, I decided to clean our bathroom because no one cleans it but me. I was tired though it makes me happy because I was productive this day.


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